The Lead Author Process

We are thrilled you want to learn more about being a Lead Author with Sunrise Publishing!

Here’s how our program works:

  1. Apply to be a Lead Author (see below).
  2. Once accepted, you’ll work with our editorial team to create a storyworld “bible” with ideas of the kinds of stories you are looking to create. (We recommend at least three, but you can develop up to six stories under our program.)
  3. You’ll select your Draft Authors (we’ll help you!).
  4. Once selected, your Draft Authors will submit a sample premise/short synopsis.
  5. You and your Draft Authors will meet for a week of brainstorming and synopsis creation (with the guidance and support of Sunrise Publishing).
  6. Draft Authors will submit their first chapters for your approval. (Sunrise will manage all editorial questions and needs.)
  7. Once submitted, the Lead Author will read the novels and offer general feedback, with the support of Sunrise Publishing. (Sunrise will provide all the line editing, etc.)
  8. The Lead Author will give input on the covers and back cover blurbs for all books.
  9. Sunrise will develop and implement the Marketing Plan as well as distribution.

What we offer:

We’ll help you find the right authors to carry your voice and story worlds.

How? We’ll brainstorm with you the kind of stories you’d like to create, help you craft the “Story Bible” your Draft Authors will use to create their books, and set up your contract agreements and deadlines.

We’ll help guide the brainstorming process, and help you help your Draft Authors create the story you both envision.

How? We’ll set up and guide the brainstorming event that will give you and your Draft Authors a blueprint for your series.

We’ll oversee the creation process from idea to premise to editorial feedback, all the way to production.

How? We’ll oversee the cover design, layout, marketing materials, production, and distribution.

And finally, we’ll market these stories to your readers (and beyond!).

Why? Because you’ve invested in your career, building an audience and a name. Now, it’s time to multiply and reap the rewards.


Ready to chat about being a Lead Author?

Fill out the form below!